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Client: Museum Volkenkunde

The Ethnology Museum in Leiden has been renewed. Part of the permanent exhibition is a kids route. The museum wanted a spectacular end to this route that would put the kids in motion. IJsfontein was selected to make this happen and in cooperation with Platform developed a digital interactive playground.

How does it work?

Within an 8 by 10 meter room, children are surrounded by 3 interactive walls. The worlds they came across during their tour through the museum are projected on these walls. As a game player they will see themselves as an avatar as soon as they enter the field of view of the Kinects. Their body is the controller and their avatar is automatically one of the guides that guided them along the route. These guides are children from different cultures.

Empty World

The game is started in an empty world. The goal is to capture “pick-ups”. Pick-ups are icons that are associated with an avatar. If you catch the right one, your pick-up will be transformed into an object and placed in the empty world. Catch as many pick-ups as you can to fill your world. You can play the game alone or with several players at once. Watch out! If you pick up the black pick-up everything is swept away by a tornado.

All recognizable objects and highlights from the exhibition are used in the game. It is a continuous game with no beginning or end. You can get into the game or leave the game whenever you want. There is room for 8 players simultaneously.


What can we do for your organization? Contact us at info@ijsfontein.nl or  +31 (0)20 33 00 111.