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Client: Museum Gouda

Imagine visiting Gouda in 1562. What kind of city do you then see? Explore it yourself in Museum Gouda and fly over the roofs of the city. Follow one of Gouda’s richest beer brewers and see how Joost Pieterzoon is punished for his deeds. Get to know the city in a unique way.

Interactive city model

Museum Gouda has a large detailed city model showing the city as it was in 1562. A wonderful opportunity to make life in Gouda at the time come alive. IJsfontein has added an interactive augmented layer to the model. The two touchscreens with the model viewer bring the model to life and give a playful insight into the lives of people and the functions of buildings of the Gouda of 1562.

Zoom in on the model

The model is so beautifully detailed that you as a visitor would like to dive into it. With the interactive layer this is now possible: zoom in close to the houses and wander around in the model. Do you see the craftsmen on the quay near the Sint Janskerk? And what kind of beautiful building is that? Thanks to the interactive information layer, you can discover the stories of the most important buildings in Gouda at that time, and see which of them you can still see. A nice starting point for a city walk.

Marc de Beyer – museum director: “The city model was already a hit, but with the added interactivity and timeline, it really is the place in Gouda you have to see and where you should start if you want to discover the city”.

The model comes to life

Did you know that Gouda produced no less than 15 million litres of beer in the fifteenth century? Follow the life of the rich brewer Dirck Corneliszoon of Reynegom and walk with him through the model in one of the five films that play in the model itself. The fact that Gouda was an important city at the time soon becomes clear in the stories about trade, safety, care and religion: in the centre, for example, there were no less than 10 monasteries.


The model room is an introduction to the museum and a visit to the city. Around the model we have designed a timeline that gives a clear insight into the development of the city. By means of infographics and information cartoons we take you from the origins of the peat to the modernization of today. Thanks to the visual and illustrative style, you simply see the city grow into the multicultural city it is today.




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