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Client: KPN

KPN wanted to better advise its customers. For this reason, IJsfontein developed the serious game City Link. A service provider that does what you ask them to do is highly valuable, but a proactive service provider is priceless.

In short

How can you shake up employees who have been used to the same interaction with clients for years? By having them experience the advantages of a new approach for themselves!

How it works

In City Link players react to questions asked by virtual clients. They can earn credits by scoring on customer satisfaction and customer relationship. The customer satisfaction is high when clients are offered a good solution immediately. The customer relationship is considered to be good when the client is also offered suitable long-term solutions.

Contact with the manager

The players can solve some missions themselves, for others they need to contact their manager. For instance, when expert advice is needed, when the contract has to be modified, or when further training is required.

The managers are also trained

Through the game, players send messages to their managers mobile app. The managers assess the message, gaining the players and themselves credits. This way both employees are trained to pass on messages and managers to assess and react to them adequately.


We are happy to provide a demo on request.


What can we do for your organization? Contact us at info@ijsfontein.nl or  +31 (0)20 33 00 111.