IJsfontein Homepage

Client: VPRO

In association with Kloosterboer Decor, IJsfontein has designed and built a mobile studio for the popular VPRO program, ‘Nederland van Boven’ (The Netherlands From Above). The mobile studio allows visitors to create their own ‘cosmic zoom’ following the style of the program.

Green screen

As you step into the studio, you enter a green screen area with a camera right above you. A timer indicates to you when to raise a sign or wave at the camera, after which you will be edited into a video that zooms in all the way from space to Holland and into the exact spot you are standing. You will see yourself standing there, waving up.


The studio was literally used as a promotional vehicle for the program at various festivals and markets. Visitors were instantly able share their own videos on social media with others.

The mobile studio visited about 20 different locations around the Netherlands during the promotional tour. At each location the video was customized to zoom into the actual spot the mobile studio was at. More than 5,000 videos were made and could be viewed on the VPRO YouTube channel or through a link in the email.


What can we do for your organization? Contact us at info@ijsfontein.nl or  +31 (0)20 33 00 111.